By the way, if you haven’t heard the news, we have a new place to buy some sweet merch: Zazzle! From there, we’ll be able to offer all kinds of new goodies we couldn’t before, such as the buttons available right now! In the near future, you can look forward to a lot more, so be sure to keep an eye out for future announcements!




We’re also getting so close to our next Patreon goal of $350 (which is stunning. Jesus. Wow. Thank you.), and we wanted to do something special to celebrate its achievement. Once we hit our goal, we’ll be hosting a free live-draw stream for ALL of our patrons as a thanks, which we’ll also be recording to be available on-demand through Patreon. You’ll be able to chat with us, hang for an evening, and generally enjoy the awkward joy of our company. We’re looking forward to it! <3