You know at first I was like, aww yeah Arthur’s gonna be a badass. Then I reread it and noticed his nose started bleeding again. Possible problem then? relapse? Raven didnt cure him? So many questions!!!
I’m rereading from the start and I’m only realising now how different your art looks, the improvement is really noticeable, well done! (Not that it wasn’t 10 times better than anything I could do to start with.)
Takoyaki anyone?
Same thought. XD
God dammit Raven. Ya dun fucked up.
Well, I don’t think tentacles have ears anyway! Maybe… It IS some kind of “mutant monster”, so who knows.
P.S.: Who’s the person in the picture, they look familiar to me… Or maybe I’m just delirious.
Fuckkk i thought it had more pages :,( now I have to wait!
I am hoping it’s going to be the tentacle-guy that Arthur saw as a child (when people were treating his Sight as hallucinations)
I’m pretty sure that was his dad who had the tentacles when he was a kid.
Mary and Fragile grabbing each other in that bottom panel, though.
Remember, violence is ALWAYS the answer…! ;D
Violence is never the answer. It is the question. And the answer is always yes.
You know at first I was like, aww yeah Arthur’s gonna be a badass. Then I reread it and noticed his nose started bleeding again. Possible problem then? relapse? Raven didnt cure him? So many questions!!!
Little known fact; Arthur won first AND second place in the annual Winthrop Institute Calamari Craver Couple’s Combo.
One super-extra-huge calamari portion coming up in three, two, one…
Herma-Mora is not pleased.
I think you are my hero.
I’m rereading from the start and I’m only realising now how different your art looks, the improvement is really noticeable, well done! (Not that it wasn’t 10 times better than anything I could do to start with.)
Also, I think the amount of thought and detail you seem to put into everything is incredible
“I got this”–the face and words of someone who almost definitely does not have this.
and suddenly nose bleed.
Obligatory, “I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going.” Either way can’t wait to see how this turns out.
No boy, you don’t bite the tentacle.
*Guile Theme starts playing in the background*
Did somebody order tentacle pr0n?
Wasn’t there a guy with tentacles a couple of panels back? And bleeding again is never good.