he, it, she. She also said she had the “right” for doing the things she did. Take it she’s some weird fog-ish thing and the religious foreshadowing, I bet something holy (or possibly unholy) is going on around here.
i think Mary learned spanish because she spent time with Fragile, who so far seems to be only character to at least understand it. just a she was able to understand the creole…
“Jesus, Arthur I leave you alone for two minutes …”
cool page I love it. But when can you finish the never comic? I’m really looking forward to it, I’ve already seen a couple of pages from the portfolio. Do I sound rude? I don’t mean to be.
Thank you! And sorry, we’ve been so completely busy we haven’t had a chance to rebuild the section of the site that used to host the “Never” comic in its entirety. It still exists on an Imgur album if you’d like to read it in the meantime! Hopefully we get less bitter about our site eating the subpage and rework it all soon!
Nasty colds become hardcore with Arthur. (okay that was lame)
Anyway, you make Raven a quite interesting character, really! I did not imagine him like that.
my god. Every time you guys leave me in suspense and I read the comic several times too make sure I see/understand it to the best of my abilities. My god. You guys are unbelievably amazing at making a good story. I can’t wait until the next page!
Wait, now I see why ,when Mary tried to call home, her rmother said that “Her daughter died” ! She was talking about her sister! So what does it means? Mary’s parents really tried to forget about their other “crazy” daughter or the mother knew that Mary was calling and simply “ignored” her ?
Ohh that’s super interesting. I also got a little hung up on that quote as to why she said, “Stop calling here” like it had happened before. But maybe the Mother blames Mary a heck of a lot. I think we can kinda go on the ignore thing now.
Good thinking Roberta! =D
I actually think that when Mary’s mother said it was a cruel joke it’s because C.E. “erased” Mary. Mary is, for the regular world, dead. Here: https://www.findchaos.com/tsoop-page-5
So, when Mary called, her mom thought that both of her daughters were dead, and to be pretending to be one of them was just sick.
I KNEW IT. If Mary has already heard about C.E, that means C.E is the person who originally had the curse, the one who made Riley!
I have a different theory about who originally had the curse. I never thought about C.E.
I can’t wait to read on and find out!
That would explain why Remy called CE an “it”.
he, it, she. She also said she had the “right” for doing the things she did. Take it she’s some weird fog-ish thing and the religious foreshadowing, I bet something holy (or possibly unholy) is going on around here.
I’m also hoping Arthur didn’t pull an anime and have a nosebleed for the reason I think he did (hehe…)
Yikes! What’s going on? How did this even…? Why didn’t Mary see anything nefarious in Raven Richardson? He’s a creep.
Ahhh! Arthur! sweetheart, what happened?
Dios mio. I’ve been hearing that phrase all over the place lately.
And there is definitely something strange about Raven…
Mary habla español?!? O.o
She admitted as much on Page 9 of this chapter, actually!
i think Mary learned spanish because she spent time with Fragile, who so far seems to be only character to at least understand it. just a she was able to understand the creole…
“Jesus, Arthur I leave you alone for two minutes …”
cool page I love it. But when can you finish the never comic? I’m really looking forward to it, I’ve already seen a couple of pages from the portfolio. Do I sound rude? I don’t mean to be.
Now I feel like I’m rambling.
the coffee was not my best idea.
Thank you! And sorry, we’ve been so completely busy we haven’t had a chance to rebuild the section of the site that used to host the “Never” comic in its entirety. It still exists on an Imgur album if you’d like to read it in the meantime! Hopefully we get less bitter about our site eating the subpage and rework it all soon!
Thanks so much
What does O.o mean. Nevermind I’ll tootle it.
Google. Sorry autocorrect. Not my fault . I think.
Maybe hes the grim reaper
THANK YOU for adding the accent in “mío”. Thank you.
Nasty colds become hardcore with Arthur. (okay that was lame)
Anyway, you make Raven a quite interesting character, really! I did not imagine him like that.
my god. Every time you guys leave me in suspense and I read the comic several times too make sure I see/understand it to the best of my abilities. My god. You guys are unbelievably amazing at making a good story. I can’t wait until the next page!
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I think Raven may have a case of Stiffler hair.
I wonder what c.e looks like without her glasses.
yay dijo dios mio
Wait, now I see why ,when Mary tried to call home, her rmother said that “Her daughter died” ! She was talking about her sister! So what does it means? Mary’s parents really tried to forget about their other “crazy” daughter or the mother knew that Mary was calling and simply “ignored” her ?
Ohh that’s super interesting. I also got a little hung up on that quote as to why she said, “Stop calling here” like it had happened before. But maybe the Mother blames Mary a heck of a lot. I think we can kinda go on the ignore thing now.
Good thinking Roberta! =D
Love u both. <3
I actually think that when Mary’s mother said it was a cruel joke it’s because C.E. “erased” Mary. Mary is, for the regular world, dead. Here: https://www.findchaos.com/tsoop-page-5
So, when Mary called, her mom thought that both of her daughters were dead, and to be pretending to be one of them was just sick.