I don’t know which I love more: Your character development or Your amazing artwork. Gosh, I’m so glad I don’t have to choose between the two. Love what You’ve done with the cast page. When did that happen? ***smooches***
something happened to the cast page? I’ll have to check it out now!
I wonder, how Arthur sees them? There must me something as he calls them tainted, will that be shown sometime soon?
I kind of thought we were still seeing everyone from Arthur’s perspective, and that was why Gaki looks like he does, I thought he would look normal to other people.
Exactly the response I was coming to say, thanks for answering! Specifically, Gaki’s eye color (inner fire) glows brighter in emotional or stressful situations.
I’ve become absolutely infatuated with your work. Todah <3 ani ohevet hacol! Your cartoons speak to me especially and I adore this graphic novel!!!! Keep being freaking awesome!
You know its a good day when a new page comes out.
One question: Is Gaki’s Pyrokinesis an idea that came out later? Cause he lighted his cigarette with a lighter in one of the earlier comics. Would kind of explain it.
Umm, i know it sounds rude to ask, especially since its not a major thing, soo.. sorry.
Why thank you! Gaki’s character has always been pyrokinetic, since the inception of the comic (and before it). As a hint, his eyes have always glowed a tiny bit, even in the first pages he appeared in, and he’s always had the soot lines, but we didn’t want to completely address it right away — he does own a zippo lighter and uses it just as often as “not” for personal reasons.
why Gaki has red eyes now??
BUt Mary is still my fave character.
And I like Alice! She sweet!
I don’t know which I love more: Your character development or Your amazing artwork. Gosh, I’m so glad I don’t have to choose between the two. Love what You’ve done with the cast page. When did that happen? ***smooches***
Aw, you’re too sweet! K overhauled the Cast Page a week or so ago by popular demand, I’m glad everyone’s digging it so far! <3
Thank You, Sweet A! ::::swooooooon::::
something happened to the cast page? I’ll have to check it out now!
I wonder, how Arthur sees them? There must me something as he calls them tainted, will that be shown sometime soon?
Go read back through like the first 10 pages and It’ll answer how Arthur sees them ^^
I kind of thought we were still seeing everyone from Arthur’s perspective, and that was why Gaki looks like he does, I thought he would look normal to other people.
Haha, unfortunately for Gaki, that’s just the way he looks.
We’re definitely going to explore that aspect of his person! <3
he always has, it’s just been lighting effects used by the artist, and they’re ember actually.
Exactly the response I was coming to say, thanks for answering! Specifically, Gaki’s eye color (inner fire) glows brighter in emotional or stressful situations.
I’ve become absolutely infatuated with your work. Todah
<3 ani ohevet hacol! Your cartoons speak to me especially and I adore this graphic novel!!!! Keep being freaking awesome!
Todah rabbah! We’re so honored you like it! <3 Keep being awesome yourself!
In case anyone wonders, it’s Hebrew. In the interests of inclusion…
Todah = Thanks
Ani ohevet hakol = I love all of it.
Todah rabbah = Thank You.
And <3 is a sideways heart denoting love, even though it looks kinda like a penis and balls.
You know, I think I really, really like the way you draw lips, I will have to attempt replication for learning purposes.
Why thank you!
How old is Fragile anyway?
The labs made me think immediately of the Initiative in Buffy…
I agree, heck I think Geoffrey reminds me a lot of the Spike character. Probably why I like him.
OMG! You’re right!!!
You know its a good day when a new page comes out.
One question: Is Gaki’s Pyrokinesis an idea that came out later? Cause he lighted his cigarette with a lighter in one of the earlier comics. Would kind of explain it.
Umm, i know it sounds rude to ask, especially since its not a major thing, soo.. sorry.
Why thank you! Gaki’s character has always been pyrokinetic, since the inception of the comic (and before it). As a hint, his eyes have always glowed a tiny bit, even in the first pages he appeared in, and he’s always had the soot lines, but we didn’t want to completely address it right away — he does own a zippo lighter and uses it just as often as “not” for personal reasons.
Thanks! You’re AWESOME!
please keep going, i staarted reading it just yesterday, and loved it
Awww man! blew through the archives too fast. I love your art style and the character development is really fascinating! <3
I stumbled upon your comic while sick and i am addicted. Thank you for such a great read.