The Sum Of Our Parts Page 17
Whew, what a rollercoaster the last 24 hours have been, but the page is finally up! Hurrah!
Introducing a new character, albeit one that doesn’t talk very much.
Whew, what a rollercoaster the last 24 hours have been, but the page is finally up! Hurrah!
Introducing a new character, albeit one that doesn’t talk very much.
Beautiful, Dear A & K! Kyoot pooch (I’m assuming). I guess it could be something that looks like a kyoot pooch, but in fact, is not.
Yes, it has been an interesting 24 hours, and it’s likely to continue being interesting for a while. That’s mostly a good thing (or so I say).
awwwww, what an adorable dog!
Satisfied or you get your heart back !
In love with Alice, in love with Mary’s expression – although she hasn’t asked the most important question, “why are there teary mascara tracks on Gaki’s face?”
Jk, loving the comic, keep up the good work 
Poor C.E., all forever alone on the lounge.
I actually really like C.E. But I LOVE Alice. She’s adorable.
Yaaay, an italian greyhound, cheers!
ps. Love the art
Still sulking. I love Arthur’s commitment.
Nnnnn, this bothered me before but as far as I can tell, they kill people. It seems to me that what they are not allowed to kill is humans.
I think that’s the point. Arthur doesn’t view non-humans as people, which only makes the relationship with his ‘co-workers’ a more fucked-up one. Also, I guess the ‘you people’ means he considers Mary to still be ‘normal’ (despite the visions) and that he doesn’t quite consider himself a person. It goes along rather well with his internal conflicts in other aspects of his life…
I hope he’s called out on that because I think it’ll be interesting to see how it affects him. Even if he initially refuses to believe it. Oh, and I’m guessing Arthur originally got the justification for killing these non-humans from C.E.
Or possibly it dates back to when he was a child. Remember he killed his father (and apparently mother and baby sibling) when he believed his father was possessed and hurt/raped Tristan?
I also remember that he was confessing it as a sin. He was trying to justify it by saying his father was possessed/evil but obviously still felt it was wrong. So I’m guessing he did not have his justification yet.
Just for clarification’s sake, I felt the need to jump in here and say it was not Tristan who was getting abused by their father. :/
Oh, he didn’t? It’s been a while since I read that chapter, I should probably go back and read it again… Must have misunderstood it.
Love the story and the art! Especially the art. Did you teach yourself, or take classes, or what?
Anyhow, awesome work! Keep it up.
Yeah. I’m gunna need MOAR.
So this page is beautiful. It’s so smooth and clean, and the layout is great and I CANNOT WAIT to find out what the big bad secret is!
a hundred pages over two year? what a pace!.. -_-
Yes, a hundred and forty two free pages while producing many other comics at the same time. Hey, it’s faster than a lot of other webcomics and we’ve never missed an update!
oh wait, MANY OTHERS? where do i find them? :3
and terribly sorry if my previous message sounded offensive
C.E: Handsome woman or beautiful man?
Only time will tell…